Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dear Abbey...mind your own business

On Tuesday, my wonderful neighbor Norma stopped me when I was on my way to work, she was teary eyed and told me that she had ready my letter in the paper and wanted to help me. ????? Well it turns out that someone wrote into Dear Abby and said that they lost a daughter named Sophia in April from a complication from a birth defect and were struggling to write thank you cards ( My neighbor thought it was me and was offering to write my thank you cards for wasn't me. Abby's advice was to get those cards out, even if friends and family had to be enlisted to help. So what an amazing coincidence....or someone who is mad because they didn't get a thank you? Or my psycho former employee stalker? Who knows....if you didn't get a thank you card from me....well put yourself in my shoes. I truly appreciate all the amazing support in so many forms we have gotten from everyone and it is what got us through...I tried to thank everyone by phone, email or in person if I didn't get to you, please know I appreciate every penny, word, hug, errand, morsel of food......

We have an appointment with the geneticist in October, Annie is getting another blood test soon....we are healing slowly.....

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